The conversation, recorded by Delhi Police on May 16, 2013, took placed between Firoz Farid Ansari (arrested from Mumbai) and Salman (based in Pakistan). That was the day when Delhi's police chief Neeraj Kumar held a press conference to announce the arrests. Mandi was arrested the same day.
"This phone conversation shows the high level of anxiety in the Dawood syndicate regarding the arrests. In this call, Salman asks Firoz to find out the truth behind rumours that Mandi had been arrested as at that point of time, the details of the arrested persons had not been aired by the media," states the chargesheet in case, accessed exclusively by TOI.
Delhi Police claims Firoz has a long association with Dawood. According to underworld bookie Ramesh Vyas, Feroz is the successor to Chhota Shakeel's trusted aide Mir Zahid alias Chote Miyan, who was gunned down in 2009 by shooters of the Chhota Rajan syndicate over control of Mumbai's betting territories. Police say it leaves no doubt that it was the Dawood-Chhota Shakeel syndicate operating through Dr Javed Chutani and some other India, Pakistan and Dubai-based men, that was controlling the fixing/betting activities and Firoz was part of it.
The chargesheet gives a detailed account of how this cricket fixing racket was controlled by Dawood, based in Pakistan, and how Delhi Police managed to stumble upon it intercepting calls on a few phone numbers. The chargesheet adds that D-company operatives use voice over internet protocol (internet based calls) to interact with their men in Dubai and India.
"On March 26, 2013, at 2132 hours, a call between two international numbers +923333206**** (Pakistan) and +97156136**** (Dubai) of a duration of 160 seconds was intercepted. The Dubai number was found to be in touch with certain Indian numbers, prominent amongst them belonging to Ashwani Aggarwal alias Tinku Mandi. Thereafter, various numbers revealed in the background analysis as belonging to Mandi were also taken on lawful interception. The monitoring of these numbers led to the revelation of the international conspiracy of fixing/betting in the then commenced season of Indian Premier League cricket tournament and flow of illegal money generated by this organized criminal activity through hawala channels between India, Pakistan and Dubai. Once this conspiracy had taken a cognate form, this instant case had been registered," says the chargesheet.
Mandi is an associate of underworld conduit Dr Javed Chutani, a Pakistani who works from Dubai and with other members of the Dawood-Chhota Shakeel syndicate based in Pakistan, Dubai and India. "He was working on behalf of this syndicate for orchestrating spot/session fixing in IPL matches for making windfall gains from illegitimate betting markets," it adds.
The Central Intelligence Agencies confirmed on May 31, 2013 that the mobile number +923333206**** was being used by Pak based underworld don Dawood Ibrahim. The CIA also confirmed that the Dubai number +97156136**** was being used by one Doctor, a cricket bookie and hawala operator based in Dubai.
"In the absence of any voice sample of Dawood Ibrahim, efforts were made to locate such people who may be familiar with Dawood and can identify his voice. After intensive effort, a witness was located who has had a long association with this most wanted criminal. This witness was requested to join investigation and the call was played to him in the presence of another independent witness. The witness identified and confirmed that the voice on the Pakistani number was indeed that of Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar. The name and other details of this witness, who has identified the voice of Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar, is not being revealed at this moment for security reasons," says the chargesheet.

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