The association urged the court to set up a probe panel comprising retired judges to "institute disciplinary proceedings against Srinivasan and direct him to vacate the office of the president of BCCI and the president of Tamil Nadu Cricket Association."
The PIL also wants the HC to "restrain Srinivasan from contesting for the post of president of BCCI in future" and to suspend the franchisee agreement of India Cements Ltd. (owners of Chennai Super Kings) and Jaipur IPL Cricket Pvt. Ltd. (Rajasthan Royals).
Ameet Naik, the advocate representing the Bihar cricket association, said: "The petitioner is interested in upholding and maintaining the transparency/accountability and integrity and the faith of public at large in the game of cricket. Recent events as set out hereinafter have heavily eroded the faith of public at large in cricket in India. The petitioner is seeking a fair, free and independent probe into recent incidents of betting and spot fixing in cricket matches organized by BCCI which have seriously undermined the integrity of the sport and have brought disrepute to cricket in India."
The matter was mentioned for a hearing on Thursday before a bench headed by Chief Justice Mohit Shah who recused himself. The PIL will now be heard later before another bench.
The PIL essentially is challenging the constitution of the two members' probe panel set up by the BCCI under the presidentship of Srinivasan as being ex-facie ultra vires of BCCI's rules and regulations.
It claimed that the panel "has been constituted arbitrarily to cover up the allegations against Srinivasan's son-in-law Gurunath Meiyappan." The PIL has also alleged "blatant bias exercised by Srinivasan," in constituting the panel as he is the vice-chairman and managing director of India Cements Ltd. which is the owner of the IPL team "Chennai Super Kings" .
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